john conyers

  1. saturn7

    USA TODAY: Reparations bill gets new attention amid BLM. Could other nations provide a blueprint?

    Reparations bill gets new attention amid BLM. Could other nations provide a blueprint? Tony Burroughs' great-great-great-great grandfather was freed from slavery in 1806 by a white woman from Pennsylvania. In her last will and testament, Margaret Hutton had specified that David Truman was to be...
  2. JahFocus CS

    This Could Be Reparations’ Best Chance Since 1865

    I used to think it would be something nice to have but probably wouldn't happen, but over the past 8 months or so I'm coming to the conclusion that it is an absolute necessity that we should fight for 100%. New Afrikans should no longer tolerate being told what isn't possible, what isn't likely...