leaders of society

  1. I

    SPIN: Ladies of the Coli- which breh on the coli do you think is a good leader?

    ....based off of your e-instincts, who do you think would make a good leader of the home? who do you think is the most intelligent? Respectful?Charming? Insightful? Wise??? :jawalrus: :jbhmm: :obama: Edited to add sexy. Its some sexy brothers here too.
  2. S

    ADVANCED NARCISSIST TEST, Narcissists only, #NarcissistGangTryouts

    We already had a thread on this test http://personality-testing.info/tests/NPI/1.php But this is a basic ass test, and most of my #NarcissistGang brethren get 37-40 (max) I answered completely honestly to test my narcissism conditioning cause I was worried I was losing my touch, but I got...