
  1. Charlie Hustle

    Dusty man decides to eat out so he stole the severed leg of a person that had a train ran on them, played with it and munched on it

    WASCO, Calif. (KERO) — The man arrested in Wasco for removing evidence from a deadly train collision was holding a severed leg and was laughing while the incident was being recorded, according to court documents obtained by 23ABC. A man was hit and killed by a train Friday morning in Wasco. The...
  2. King

    Look at This Inhuman Ass Cramp Brehs

    :gucci: What the fukk is wrong with dude's leg? Why this shyt remind me of: P.S. Dude's legs are ashy ass fukk :scust:
  3. M

    Record YOUR OWN "L" aka Die Like a Ho Brehs

    Dude Records Himself After Smashing His Car Into A Garbage Truck! "I Broke My Leg, Y'all Pray For Me" Negro have some dignity, call 911 & stop crying about your damn leg
  4. M

    Coulda Been a Doctor: Thug Pulls Bullet Fragment from his OWN LEG

    Not something to be braggin about-- :snoop: but no blood tho? :ohhh: