life changing

  1. Hater Eraser

    Cranberry juice-drinking skateboarder who found TikTok fame gifted new truck by Ocean Spray

    Cranberry juice-drinking skateboarder who found TikTok fame gifted new truck by Ocean Spray article Nathan Apodaca with his new truck and cranberry juice gifted by Ocean Spray. A former Idaho potato farmer who found fame on TikTok was gifted a brand new truck from the makers of his favorite...
  2. Homey the clown

    How is the Coronavirus going to affect College Dorm living in the fall

    I was thinking about this last night. I have cousin who is currently a student at Wichita State and currently she is at home because the university has closed the dormitories due to the Cornaviruis. The only student's being allowed to stay are intentional , out of state students and...
  3. The Blackout

    How Do You Bounce Back After Falling OFF?

    Okay, I know theboli is usually filled with troll try hard threads day in and day out but I wanted to start a thread that would actually help a lot of us brehs out on here bc from to time I be feelings yalls pain and sometimes we gotta look out for each other and spread some love and wisdom...
  4. Archangel

    Name a Moment That Completely Changed Your Life..Good or Bad

    Edit: nvm then @YaThreadFloppedB! come wrap this up breh. I'm never making another thread again.