
  1. B

    AI that’s smarter than humans? Americans say a firm “no thank you.” AI that’s smarter than humans? Americans say a firm “no thank you.” Exclusive: 63 percent of Americans want regulation to actively prevent superintelligent AI, a new poll reveals. By...
  2. B

    AI that’s smarter than humans? Americans say a firm “no thank you.” AI that’s smarter than humans? Americans say a firm “no thank you.” Exclusive: 63 percent of Americans want regulation to actively prevent superintelligent AI, a new poll reveals. By...
  3. True Religion BuddhaMan

    Conservative NY Times OpEd - “The Case For Reparations”

    I’ve been traveling around the country for the past few years studying America’s divides — urban/rural, red/blue, rich/poor. There’s been a haunting sensation the whole time that is hard to define. It is that the racial divide doesn’t feel like the other divides. There is a dimension of depth to...