
  1. B

    Florida divers go deep with sonar to find sunken cars, solve cold-case mysteries Florida divers go deep with sonar to find sunken cars, solve cold-case mysteries The half-brothers behind Sunshine State Sonar have found 350 vehicles and 11 missing people in Florida waterways...
  2. Rhapture

    God is the greatest of all time troll

    Like once we find the answers to one question, more will take their place. Like we know that water is wet and it's made up of 2 elements of hydrogen and 1 element of oxygen but if we try to solve earths water shortage with science we'd probably blow ourselves up. Hydrogen is flammable and Oxygen...
  3. jensyao

    What are some the biggest mysteries in Hip Hop? ^read comments in thread...was there ever a coli version of this thread? examples: What happened to hassan chop? who Mr. Fantastik? ...just click the 1st link to dig up more mysteries you don't...