
  1. Joe Budden

    Are you a lame if you can only pull women overseas?

    My cousin gets zero ass in the states. He’s damn near an incel until he’s in another country. He looks forward to our yearly family trips to Beijing and Saint Lucia so he can wild out and fukk something. That’s all he talks about right before the holidays. “Ima get so many bytches” “American...
  2. 4fossa

    Brazilian TRAP MUSIC already better than american ones. (no surprise tbh)

    I know y'all speak no portuguese so I'll sumarize. Dope (and funny lol) low budget production and somehow deep lyrics, decent beat and a epic flow despite the autotune. Every goddamn verse rhymes (portuguese is way harder do rhyme, therefore north american trap takes yet another L for having...
  3. Ganso Bomb

    Dwight is forcing people against their will to stan him

    Got one of those nikkas from the Prelude scared for his life:francis:
  4. Pdiddy

    Thailand's New King Looks Weird
