prison abolition

  1. Ya' Cousin Cleon

    What do we do with abusers like R. Kelly if we abolish prisons?

    What do we do with abusers like R. Kelly if we abolish prisons? - The Black Youth Project Editor’s Note: This essay contains discussions of childhood sexual violence I didn’t order that extra whiskey ginger last week. I went home when my body told me to, even though it was still early and my...
  2. SirReginald

    ‘Abolish Prisons’ Is The New ‘Abolish ICE’

    The whole article is in the link in the description below. TLDR Prison reform is not enough and may be counter-productive That is the movement to abolish prisons—and more broadly, the entire penal and policing system—in America. Proponents envision a future society in which, rather than...
  3. Ya' Cousin Cleon

    OH shyt. Inmates organizing a nation wide PRISON STRIKE on August 21

  4. Ya' Cousin Cleon

    William C. Anderson on Police/Prison Abolition

    We didn’t always have police and prisons as we know them today—in fact, they’re fairly recent inventions. Abolitionists like William C. Anderson ask us to radically rethink the necessity of police, and our practice of throwing people in cages. Anderson traces the origins of modern punishment...