
  1. JadeB

    2Pac was pro-choice

    @1:09. I listened to this so many times and I just made the connection with this line:ohhh:. My respect for Pac grew a million times more:salute:
  2. Drew Wonder

    Christian Argues That President, Roe v Wade and SCOTUS Have Little Impact on Abortions

    This is targeted mostly toward Evangelical Christians but I found it very informative nonetheless TLDR: Whether you're Pro-Life or Pro-Choice, choosing a president solely based on them either being Pro-Life or Pro-Choice is pointless. Some of the major points that were made: Both Republicans...
  3. JadeB

    Why are people so against abortion but also anti-contraceptive?

    Speaking off Alabama and Georgia, i realize how many pro-life "Christians" that are heavy on abortion are most likely also against any type of contraceptive or family planning :dahell:. So you got rid of abortion, now what? nikkas going to stop having pre-marital sex? :dahell:. Also family...