race soldiers

  1. saturn7

    Air Force Sergeant Linked to ‘Boogaloo’ Movement Charged With Murder of Federal Police Officer

    The press hasn't been talking about this or the officers he killed at all. mjpls Air Force Sergeant Linked to ‘Boogaloo’ Movement Charged With Murder of Federal Police Officer CNN video in link Air Force Sergeant Charged With Murder of Police Officer An Air Force sergeant has been charged...
  2. saturn7

    CAC Predator gets slap on the wrist: No prison time for ex-Baylor frat president in sexual assault p

    No prison time for ex-Baylor frat president in sexual assault plea deal
  3. You Win Perfect

    Police get caught planting bait trucks full of shoes in Chicago

    This is what the city, police/pigs/race soldiers spend their resources doing. Trying to funnel black people into slavery also known as prison. Not spending it to help rebuild or rehabilitate but to terrorize black people.