random question

  1. CopiousX

    Would you rather it rained soysauce for one year , or it snowed normal snow for 1 month straight?

    Really random thread topic. It's cloudy outside. And... Would you rather it lightly rained this stuff for 365 days Or would you rather it snowed with blizzard conditions for 1 month straight?
  2. CopiousX

    For 1billion dollars, would you name your child after a soft drink?

    I was just thinking that rich people name their kids weird names. For example Elon named his kid a bunch of random symbols. He legit called his child " X Æ A-12 ". Then you have nick cannon naming his kids after 90s cartoon villains. Then you got Kanye naming his kid after a compass direction ...
  3. Clay Puppington

    Do you think that if someone was an entrepreneur....

    ...and they ate garbage (cookies, Popeyes, chips etc., smoked cigarettes etc) instead of clean foods, that that would be a substantial factor in how successful their business is?