rust belt

  1. Jimi Swagger

    America is the least mobile since after World War II, even in economically depressed rural locales

    STRUGGLING AMERICANS ONCE SOUGHT GREENER PASTURES—NOW THEY’RE STUCK By Janet Adamy and Paul Overberg | Photographs by Mark Felix for The Wall Street Journal WEST BRANCH, Mich.—When she graduated from high school, Taylor Tibbetts was a bright star in this small Northern Michigan town. She won...
  2. You_Ugly_on_Skype

    Would You Move to Colombia SC if...

    You got a job offer that pays approx. $125,000 annually, being a black man? If not, why not? :jbhmm: I was offered a job with similar pay but, I heard it was 'Hicksville' out there and "they" don't like our kind around there in them parts. The KKK is running amuck, black people randomly dying...