sa neter tv

  1. R

    Old head spitting the real about Africa/Kemet

  2. HopeKillCure

    Sa Neter (Fresh Off The Polight Wars) has a Special Guest on Sa Neter TV--Yes indeed

    The Hotep community blending with the Black Neo-Conscious community Neter like the Father Abraham of Harlem...His ramblings about Africa:duck:Tariq a little shook in the 'Dusty Hotep' Lions' Den huh:steviej:
  3. HopeKillCure

    Sa Neter Goes Ham Trying to Expose Brother Polight (Peace! The War Is Over))

    Polight LIVE responds: Polight Back At It Again: :whew: There's a time and a place for this. This is that time:whoo: This is that place:demonic: Part 2: Dr. Umar Johnson responds too:
  4. Milk

    How Does the Dominican Community See Jesus Christ
