sam seder

  1. saturn7

    Sam Seder debates Libtard (Ayn Rand Institute chairman Yaron Brook)

    :mjlol: @ 20 mins Yaron says the government should not play a part in creating infrastructure. States the government did not create the internet. Later Yaron downplays the role of slavery in the economic growth of the U.S. in the 19th century.
  2. Cole Cash

    Why Jimmy Dore is a part of the "Yacubian Left” (Sam Seder archived my call, brehs! Free daps and reps for all!)

    EDIT: My best call yet where i call jimmy dore a yacubian devil and let the whole show know, THE BLACK MAN IS GOD and my praise for black voters check brooks face when i say "WHATS GOOD MY nikka" lmaaaaaooooo