
  1. Mtt

    History of New England Codfish,salt fish, connection with African slavery Carribean

    A History of Salt Cod The Portuguese national dish with a global past of ingenuity and exploitation. Alexander Lee | Published in History Today Volume 69 Issue 11 November 2019 On board a factory ship: gutting, cleaning and storing cod in the hold. Engraving from Encyclopedia of Natural...
  2. Mtt

    History of slavery New York Africans

  3. I

    Has Anyone Else Heard That The Roughest and Most Crude Slaves Went to Mississippi?

    I was just reminded of this after hearing a woman retell a story and mention it. Is there historical truth to this? Being from Chicago and a son of Mississippi, there is an aggression that black people have in Chicago, that I haven't really seen anywhere else. Chicago nikkas go from 0-100 at...
  4. Listen

    When the Enslaved Went South - Great Read

    When the Enslaved Went South Interesting article on Slaves heading south not north in the mid 1800's. Definitely some items I didn't know. Long Article,
  5. MischievousMonkey

    (The Root edition) Conquerors and slaves at the same time: the true history of black Moors

    I also posted the thread in the Locker Room to see whether or not it's more interesting to post these kinds of thread here or there. I'm also collecting information about the Ancient Egyptian origins of the Wolof people. I'll do a thread about that too.
  6. MischievousMonkey

    Conquerors and slaves at the same time: the true history of black Moors

    Another banger from HomeTeam History.
  7. I

    Anyone notice the absence of black monuments...** Update** The Black Monument Project

    celebrating anti-slavery heroes, slave resistance, or black liberation in the US? In light of Charlottesville and the national debate over Confederate monuments and preserving the legacy of southern slavers that committed treason against the U.S., what's missing from the national debate is why...
  8. Londilon

    Ben Carson: "There were other immigrants who came here in the bottom of slave ships"

    :dead: Can someone put him on the c00n train?