socialism in america

  1. Ya' Cousin Cleon

    If socialism isn’t about giving people nice things and good times, what on earth is it about?

    luxury and leftism are too frequently seen as antagonists. But need they be? Is it so inconceivable that one could simultaneously be a leftist and enjoy one’s life? Take a moment, please, dear reader, and kindly examine the image below Assess your feelings about it. What shall we say is going...
  2. Ya' Cousin Cleon

    Richard D Wolff: Black Socialists of America

  3. SirReginald

    "What Would A Socialist America Look Like?" - Politico Study Article

    TLDR A radical alternative to an American capitalist system that is anything but free. Democratic socialism is about expanding democracy. It’s about making communities more equal. Socialism would remedy the systemic deprivation of people of color. A radical alternative to an American...