
  1. Khalil's_Black_Excellence

    Underrated Fighting Game Themes, BGMs & Covers

    I know most folks will big up RPGs when it comes to the best gaming music, which is understandable. Fighting games however, have a shytload of piff out there and a lot of it goes underrated as well. Posting a grip of mine. Fatal Fury/KOF Fatal Fury 2 / Fatal Fury Special - Andy Bogard Theme...
  2. Sex Luthor

    Anime brehs, whats your top 3 anime joints

    Whats your current top 3 anime intros or outros? Other than Netflix there isn't a streaming service i know of that lets you skip the intro. When you hear the song a minimum of 12 times they tend to grow on you. My current top 3 are Kengan Ashura outro I'm pretty sure Mike will made it...