vietnam war

  1. Brer Dog

    Five on the Black Hand Side: Origins and Evolutions of the Dap

    COMMUNITY, SOCIAL JUSTICE Five on the Black Hand Side: Origins and Evolutions of the Dap September 22, 2014 | LaMont Hamilton |Comments Five on the Black Hand Side is a project exploring gestural languages that were born in African American communities during the 1960s and 1970s, including the...
  2. generic-username

    FX is making a series about the Tet Offensive (Hue 1968)

    It based on a book about the Battle of Hue City written Mark Bowden (dude who wrote Black Hawk Down). FX To Turn Mark Bowden Tet Offensive Chronicle ‘Hue 1968’ Into Limited Series; Michael Mann & Michael De Luca Producing
  3. SirReginald

    Yall Ever Had Any Family That Served In Vietnam Or Any Other War?

    I had a grandfather who was in the Navy for two years. Also, I had a cousin and aunt who served in the military in the early 90's :manny: