working class

  1. I

    Black Middle Class Gentrification and The Question of Displacement

    I've always seen this video on Youtube but never actually watched it. This is a discussion with sociologist Mary Pattillo who wrote Black Picket Fences, one of the definitive studies of the black middle class. One of the points that she makes is that the data doesn't suggest that the black...
  2. FAH1223

    Top 10% Now Own 77% of American Wealth + Widening Racial Wealth Gap

  3. SirReginald

    It's Sad That There's NO SUCH THING As A Middle Class Anymore (Just ONE STEP ABOVE POOR)

    I remember when we used to be the majority :snoop: Now, the elite class which is the minority is getting stronger :beli: It seems like things will never get better unless we all band together and fight with preserving the middle class and etc :manny:
  4. JahFocus CS

    Ethiopia's Boom Times (Jacobin article)

  5. JahFocus CS

    What Are the Origins of May Day?

    :salute: Happy May Day! Rest in Power, Rosa. :wow: