Column: A cop gouged out a black vet’s eyes. 73 years later, the SC town confronts it.


Sep 10, 2012
Column: A cop gouged out a black vet’s eyes. 73 years later, the SC town confronts it.
  • Feb 7, 2019 Updated Feb 7, 2019

Brian Hicks

Decorated African-American World War II veteran Sgt. Isaac Woodard, who was beaten and blinded by a white police chief in Batesburg-Leesville in 1946. The brutality inflicted against Woodard by a Southern police chief is credited with inspiring President Harry Truman to integrate the military in 1948. J. DeBisse/Library of Congress, NAACP Records

This 2018 photo shows a sign for the town of Batesburg-Leesville, S.C. where decorated African-American World War II veteran Sgt. Isaac Woodard was beaten and blinded by a white police chief in 1946. File/AP

  • Christina L. Myers

Isaac Woodard just wanted to get home and see his wife.

He’d been in the Army more than three years, a longshoreman for the Pacific fleet in the waning days of World War II.

Finally, on Feb. 12, 1946, he was on a Greyhound bus bound for Winnsboro. But he wouldn’t make it — or ever see his wife again.

Because he was black, Woodard wasn’t allowed to fight during the war, but the decorated soldier would become one of the most infamous casualties of an ugly chapter in American history.

That night, Woodard asked the bus driver for a bathroom break just outside of Aiken. The driver was rude to him, later claiming the soldier was drunk and disturbing other passengers. Woodard took umbrage, but didn’t make a scene. When the bus stopped in Batesburg, however, the driver called the police. Woodard — still wearing his Army dress uniform — protested he’d done nothing wrong. But he was beaten and arrested.

And just outside the jail, the police chief took his blackjack and gouged out Woodard’s eyes.

The story shocked the country, and ultimately led President Truman to desegregate the military. But more than 70 years later, almost no one in the town where it happened knew about Woodard’s plight until researchers requested records pertaining to the incident.

Such stories aren’t proudly passed down from one generation to the next. Unlike some small Southern towns, which often ignore the troublesome elements of their past, Batesburg-Leesville (the two towns merged in 1993) has embraced Woodard’s tragedy and tried to make amends.

In June, the town expunged the sergeant’s 73-year-old criminal record. “Our Town Attorney Chris Spradley, Police Chief W. Wallace Oswald and Town Judge Robert Cook got together, reopened the case and dismissed the charges against Isaac Woodard,” Mayor Lancer Shull says. “Although Sgt. Woodard died in 1992 and has no direct descendants, we wanted to do something to make it right. As right as it can be.”

It is more justice than Woodard ever got in life. After his beating, Batesburg’s municipal court sentenced Woodard to 30 days in jail and fined him $50 before Police Chief Lynwood Shull (no relation to the current mayor) hurriedly delivered him to a veterans hospital in Columbia.

His family found him three weeks later, blind and suffering from partial amnesia. Woodard’s wife left him, unwilling to face a life as caregiver. Woodard’s parents took him to New York.

Because South Carolina officials refused to prosecute the chief, Truman ordered the Justice Department to charge Shull with violating Woodard’s civil rights.

Charleston Judge Waties Waring presided over that case and, like Truman, was appalled by Shull’s inevitable acquittal. It drove the judge into civil rights advocacy, culminating in a plot that eventually forced the U.S. Supreme Court to desegregate public schools in Brown v. Board of Education.

Ted Luckadoo, town manager of Batesburg-Leesville, says the community has been talking about the significance of Woodard’s story to the history of the civil rights movement, most people amazed to learn that such a horrific incident occurred on their streets. On Saturday, the town, which is 35 miles west of Columbia, will join with veterans groups to dedicate a historical marker to the “Blinding of Isaac Woodard” on the site of the old jail, which is now an empty lot.

Don North, a former Army major and military historian, led the charge to erect the marker along with help from U.S. District Judge Richard Gergel, who’s just published a book about the Woodard case, “Unexampled Courage.” The state approved the wording of the marker, and the town signed on as a sponsor.

“We jumped at the chance to be a part of this,” Luckadoo says. “It’s time to right the wrong and commemorate the progress that resulted from this.”

The president of the Disabled American Veterans will attend the ceremony, and says other vets from around the country will take part. The town bought a plane ticket for Woodard’s nephew, who cared for his uncle, to come from New York.

Judge Gergel, who often presides from the same bench where Waring once held court, says he’s been amazed by the thoughtful and empathetic reaction of the town. “They just thought it was the right thing to do, and everything they’ve done has been exemplary,” Gergel says. “You never know how good people can be.”

No, but Batesburg-Leesville is setting an example for the rest of the country.

Column: A cop gouged out a black vet's eyes. 73 years later, the SC town confronts it.

get these nets

Jul 8, 2017
Above the fray.

Rep. Jim Clyburn introduces bill named for SC vet to get Black WWII soldiers full benefits

  • Dec 8, 2020

Decorated World War II veteran Sgt. Isaac Woodard Jr., who was beaten and blinded by White police officers near Batesburg in 1946. The brutality inflicted against Woodard by a Southern police chief is credited with inspiring President Harry Truman to integrate the military in 1948. J. DeBisse/Library of Congress, NAACP Records

Isaac Woodard Jr. returned from World War II unscathed — but on the Greyhound bus ride home, police stopped him near Batesburg where a group of officers proceeded to beat the Army veteran with nightsticks and gouge his eyes until he went blind.

The bus driver called police on Woodard because he asked to use the restroom during a pit stop.

The Fairfield County native’s bludgeoning on Feb. 12, 1946 sparked a national outcry for racial justice and later a federal investigation by President Harry S. Truman. The police chief was indicted and went to trial in South Carolina, but he was acquitted by an all-White jury.

Despite Woodard’s service to the United States, the soldier was still treated as unequal when he came back home. U.S. Rep. Jim Clyburn said it’s time to reconcile that history.

The Democratic House Majority Whip from Columbia honored Woodward’s life this week when he introduced a bill named, in part, for the South Carolina veteran which aims to give surviving Black World War II veterans and their families full benefits from the GI Bill that they may have been denied.

Many African-American service members, like Woodard, returned home to segregation, Jim Crow-era laws and racist political policies.

In this image from video, Majority Whip Rep. Jim Clyburn, D-S.C., speaks from Charleston during the first night of the Democratic National Convention on Aug. 17, 2020. Clyburn has introduced a bill that aims to give surviving Black World War II veterans and their families full benefits from the GI Bill that they may have been denied. File/Democratic National Convention via AP

The Servicemen’s Readjustment Act of 1944 provided low-cost mortgages, low-interest business loans, unemployment compensation and education assistance to returning soldiers. But many local and state-level veterans administrations, especially in the South, denied these benefits to Black citizens, Clyburn said.

On the 79th anniversary of the Pearl Harbor attacks, Clyburn and U.S. Rep. Seth Moulton, D-Mass., introduced the “Sgt. Isaac Woodard, Jr. And Sgt. Joseph H. Maddox GI Bill Repair Act Of 2020.”

Palmetto Politics
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Maddox was a World War II-era veteran who was accepted to Harvard University for a master’s degree program but was denied a VA loan because of the color of his skin.

“African-American soldiers served valiantly during World War II only to be denied the welcome home salutes and benefits they richly deserved,” Clyburn said in a statement. “These benefits are only the baseline for what these American heroes are owed for their noble service to this nation and the subsequent indignities they were forced to endure upon their return.”

There are approximately 19,000 Black World War II veterans surviving in the United States, according to a VA report. Nearly 1 million African Americans served in the Pacific and European theaters.

Surviving members of the “Greatest Generation” are dwindling every day, so Clyburn’s bill primarily benefits living descendants of former Black World War II veterans.

The bill extends access to the VA Loan Guaranty Program and education assistance to the surviving spouse and certain direct descendants of Black World War II veterans who were alive at the time of the GI Bill’s enactment.

Additionally, it mandates a government watchdog report outlining the number of veterans who originally received benefits and commissions a panel to study inequities in military benefits provided to female and minority service members.

Clyburn’s bill comes amid major scrutiny this month over a provision in the National Defense Authorization Act to rename military bases that are named for Confederate generals, and after President-elect Joe Biden on Tuesday picked retired Gen. Lloyd Austin to serve as secretary of defense, the first African American to hold the office