Germany Inserts new Anti-Semitism (and Racism) Clause into Citizenship Law Amendments. No Citzenship for Anti-Semites (and Racists :mjpls: ) !!!


Nov 12, 2014
Germany Inserts new Anti-Semitism (and Racism) Law into New Citizenship Law causing delay.

Legislation hearing in Parliament now projected to go ahead.


"After removing the citizenship reforms from the agenda amid anti-Semitism debates, the German government has rescheduled the first reading of the landmark dual nationality law for December 1st this year.

The first reading of the bill had originally been scheduled for November 9th, but was quietly taken off the parliamentary plan after the Free Democrats (FDP) raised questions about anti-Semitism in the wake of the Israel-Hamas war.

The question mark that they have right now is if the new citizenship act is good enough to prevent anyone who is anti-Semitic from getting German citizenship," SPD MP Hakan Demir, one of the politicians working on the legislation, told The Local's Germany in Focus podcast at the time.

One idea on the table was reportedly to include an explicit acknowledgement of Israel's right to exist as part of the naturalisation process - a proposal also put forward by the opposition CDU party.

This would go one step further than the current proposal, which prevents people who commit "xenophobic, racist or anti-Semitic acts" from ever becoming German."

"Germany’s current citizenship law states that naturalisation is out of the question if the applicant for German citizenship "shows by his or her behaviour that he or she does not accept the equal rights of men and women laid down in the Basic Law".

These can include "anti-Semitic, racist, xenophobic or other inhumanely motivated actions incompatible with the human dignity guarantee of the Basic Law".

Under the new law, however, racist, inhuman or anti-Semitic acts are explicitly mentioned - and in future, the public prosecutor's office will have to inform the naturalisation authority about individuals who have committed such acts."
