Israel–Hamas War: 10/7/2023 - Present

Guess Who

May 5, 2012
If killing tens of thousands of innocent women and children and didn’t turn supporters of Israel against Israel then killing 5 white UN workers won’t either. Israel kills their own citizens and even protest within Israel won’t stop their campaign of genocide.

As for the bolded, those are for the most part the only people who have been supporting Israel.

And to be clear, nobody actually truly supports Israel outside of zionists. The western/Caucasian world only support Israel because it’s geopolitically beneficial. Having the state of israel keeps white Jews out of their own countries and they get a Caucasian/western aligned country in the Middle East that gives them an excuse to militarily intervene in conflicts that have nothing to do with us.

The US actually hopes that the genocide expands into a regional conflict that involves Iran because that’s who their true target is. Both Israel and Palestine and anyone caught in between are just collateral damage to the US government in their proxy war in the Middle East.
I think you underestimate how racist white ppl are breh. And the power of Islamophobia. And xenophobia.


Mar 24, 2014
The Recount

Kirby to reporter who questions U.S. assistance to Israel:​

“You want us to hang some sort of condition over their neck.”​

The Recount
Tue, April 2, 2024 at 10:25 AM EDT2

The National Security Council’s John Kirby got into an exchange with ABC News reporter Selina Wang over U.S. assistance to Israel following the IDF airstrike that killed seven World Central Kitchen aid workers in Gaza.

“How can the U.S. continue to send aid to Israel without any conditions?” Wang asked at the White House press briefing Tuesday.
“We’re not sending aid to Israel. We’re sending aid into Gaza,” Kirby responded.

“Weapons,” Wang clarified. “How can the U.S. continue to send military aid to Israel without any conditions? Is there no red line?”

“You know, we’ve had this discussion, you and me, quite a bit from up here,” Kirby replied. “They’re still under a viable threat of Hamas. We’re still going to make sure that they can defend themselves and that the 7th of October doesn’t happen again. That doesn’t mean that it’s a free pass, that we look the other way when something like this happens, or that we aren’t — and haven’t since the beginning of the conflict — urged the Israelis to be more precise, to be more careful, and quite frankly, to increase the amount of humanitarian assistance that gets in.”
“I haven’t been asked about it yet, but I expected I would be — there was a discussion just yesterday with our Israeli counterparts about Rafah. Now, this one was done virtually. We expect there’ll be an in-person meeting here in a week’s time or so. But the whole reason to have that meeting was to talk about our concerns over a major ground operation in Rafah and to present viable alternatives for them to be more precise and more targeted,” Kirby continued. “So the idea that we’re some plastic graveyard here, we’re not paying attention to the civilian casualties or the civilian suffering, is just not true.”
“Right, but these are verbal urgings, verbal commitments. There’s no other incentive besides the urgency of the discussion yesterday,” Wang pushed back.

“I know. You want us to hang some sort of condition over their neck,” Kirby snapped back. “And what I’m telling you is that we continue to work with the Israelis to make sure that they are as precise as they can be and that more aid is getting in, and we’re going to continue to take that approach.”



May 23, 2012
Frankincense and Myrrh
For the life of me, I can't understand why the world is so afraid to stand up to Netanyahu. :why:

It's like, everybody hates him, but most world leaders are afraid to actually call him out.

They're scared for their positions/careers. Your average politician is not going to to take a principled stand.

Zionists contribute a lot of money to political funding, have captured the media, are heavily represented in think thanks and have access to the intel capabilities of mossad.

You need to peep how they did the UK Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn who was actually fair. Whipped up baseless anti-semitism accusations and got him out the paint. The party was then purged of any overt pro-palestinian sentiment and their stance is now indistinguishable from the Conservatives. Same as America

These mfs spend all year fighting and obfuscating over every issue until the issue of Israel comes up :skip:. Choice has been removed on that topic..

They've been caught plotting against senior British politicians and just apologised. They had insider British civil servants working with Israeli intelligence to ruin politicians

They meet with ministers without the knowledge of the rest of govt

All these politicians either do their bidding or are shook of them. Which is why they can murder aid workers in broad daylight and hit :yeshrug:. All the UK can say is "some questions need to be answered" and asking the IDF to be thorough when investigating itself :laugh: :laugh:

The Prime Minister has also been putting pressure on the London chief of police to stop anti-Israeli protests.

They don't work for the British people.
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Jun 12, 2014
Nope. Self-defense just like here in America does not imply to countries defending themselves from white imperialism and aggression. If you defend yourself from white supremacy you are a terrorist.

The Arab nations are smart, they know that the entire Israeli-Palestinian conflict is nothing more than a proxy war funded by the US in the hopes by letting a barbaric religious extremist ethnostate like israel run wild in the Middle East, the Arab nations get involved which is what the United States wants.

The United States is literally saying it’s their job to protect a fully sovereign state like Israel whose military capabilities already far outweigh all of its Arab neighbors combined.

The peter griffin defence:wow:



Nov 21, 2017
Central VA

Biden said during the last State of the Union it's mandatory nobody interferes with aid. Let's see what happens.

You already know he’s gonna back off.

Nobody wants to take responsibility for Israel’s clusterfuk

Nobody wants to punk another nation’s military. It’s some kind of unspoken rule. UK pulled out of iraq but didn’t slam the US lack of planning.

that guy

Jan 25, 2014
For the life of me, I can't understand why the world is so afraid to stand up to Netanyahu. :why:

It's like, everybody hates him, but most world leaders are afraid to actually call him out.
They’re not scared of netanhyahu, their scared of the Zionist Jews in the US. The Israel lobby is the most powerful lobby in the United States and they fund both sides.

If you simply say you don’t support Israel and their genocidal views, they will label you an antisemite and fund the opposing candidate. As we speak, they’re expected to spend $100 million to remove “the squad” from congress just because they oppose the war on Palestine. And the so-caller non Zionist Jews won’t say anything either. They’re also the ones that are pushing the TikTok ban.



Keep my name out of it
Apr 28, 2014
I really hope we get interviews from the drone operators one day. shyt like World Food Kitchen, that little girl that was stranded when they killed her family, then killed the people coming to rescue her before they killed her, etc... I wanna hear how they rationalize it and/or continue on. Especially if they pulled the trigger in innocents
British journalist James O'Brien destroys caller :wow:

Logic is zionist's main kryptonite

Him and Sangita are hands down the best things I've discovered since this whole deal. I used to facilitate these groups where I'd have to pick people's logic apary the same way so it be feeling like watching/admiring on a pro level :banderas: