People never learn about office lottery pools...


All Star
May 3, 2012
Small Town
$118 Million Lottery Win Brings Office Pool Lawsuit - Yahoo!

"What happened was this," says attorney Michael LaMonica of Fisher & LaMonica, the law firm representing Jose Franco and Marco Medina, two of the three claimants. "This group had been running a pool since 2011. Normally, they collected money for the pool on Mondays and Thursdays." His clients, he says, contributed to the pool for a May 1 drawing.

The group's ticket won $9, and the modest winnings were re-invested in the drawing for May 4.

"The collector came around again," says LaMonica. "But because some auditing was going on at the bakery, he switched the day of his collection to a Wednesday. For whatever reason, he didn't ask my clients for any additional money."

The ticket that the contributors bought won $118 million on May 4.

Now Franco and Medina say their co-workers are refusing to give them their fair share. Why do they feel they deserve part of the windfall? They paid into the ticket that won $9. And, since the $9 went into the purchase of the next ticket, they had an ownership stake in the $118 million winner.
