Reddit Cap(?) Did she change him, or is he happy?

Scustin Bieburr

Baby baybee baybee UUUGH
May 3, 2012
It sounds kind of stupid but I have been in my thoughts because my husband seems miserable being a father even though this is what we both wanted. Maybe it’s just the toddler phase that’s really hard and I shouldn’t take it personally but I am because of how our friends and family talks to us about the situation

We are both 26 years old, well I just turned 27 and he’s turning 27 in 2 weeks. We were both born in ‘97

None of his male friends are married or have any kids so I guess I feel bad sometimes that I made him a father so young. We have a 18 month old

My husband recently was hanging out with some of his friends and they were all talking about how fun the single life is, they have basically no responsibilities in their 20s other than worrying about themselves. His best friend said he can’t imagine being in my husband’s situation like being tied down so young with the old lady and committing to marriage and a child in our 20s. My husband said he always wanted to be a father and he loves our son but his best friends were like “yeah but you’re forgetting we’re men we can have kids whenever we want to it’s women that have to worry about their bio clock.” They told him that if they ever have baby fever they’ll just start hitting up college girls because they are not only fertile but hotter. My husband found his friends comments rude and he hasn’t talked to them since then but honestly I still feel guilty like maybe they have a point.

I guess it’s because his friends knew him since he was a child and they always tell my husband that he changed a lot. He went from being distrustful of women (due to family trauma) and not believing in marriage, on the fence about kids and having a family mostly because he always had a commitment problem but after he met me he changed his stance a lot in these things. So his friends are under the impression that I’ve probably forced him to put a ring on me and create a family with me since my husband has changed a lot in his 20s. My husband acts more mature for his age than most guys our age do. He takes on a lot of responsibility and his friends can never imagine themselves doing that. They always make comments on how my husband changed for “the old lady” (really hate that his friends call me that, I’m only a few weeks older than my husband). My husband also doesn’t go out anymore because my husband was an alcoholic and all his friends drink and go to club and talk about sexualizing women so his friends always get upset with my husband because they think I’m keeping away from them

His friends think I made my husband grow up too fast and that my husband should still be living out some sort of party life or bachelor lifestyle and honestly now I’m starting to think they might be right. My husband does seem miserable sometimes because he has a wife and a baby to worry about while his friends are just chillin and have no worry in the world. My husband does reminisce a lot from several years ago since he had a fun life before he met me but he tries to tell me that this is his new life now and that it’s fine but it doesn’t seem like it’s fine


Jul 1, 2012
Sounds like his friends are idiots. Man has a family and is being a good influence in their lives and his friends are trying to get him to be a deadbeat. His wife’s concerns are valid. Real friends might joke, but not be excessive every occasion.

He should speak up for himself and tell them to chill. They’re lucky he’s making time to hang with them at all.