Slate's Jamelle Bouie: "There’s No Such Thing as a Good Trump Voter"


The Original
Dec 9, 2012
The Deep State

There’s No Such Thing as a Good Trump Voter

There’s No Such Thing as a Good Trump Voter
People voted for a racist who promised racist outcomes. They don’t deserve your empathy.
By Jamelle Bouie


Donald Trump holds a campaign rally on Nov. 7 in Raleigh, North Carolina.

Chip Somodevilla/Getty Images

Donald Trump ran a campaign of racist demagoguery against Muslim Americans, Hispanic immigrants, and black protesters. He indulged the worst instincts of the American psyche and winked to the stream of white nationalists and anti-Semites who backed his bid for the White House. Millions of Americans voted for this campaign, thus elevating white nationalism and white reaction to the Oval Office.

Jamelle Bouie is Slates chief political correspondent.

Understandably, critics of Trump have used this to condemn Trump voters, tying them to the likely consequences of their vote, blaming them for foisting Donald Trump on the country and the world. To this, there’s been a pushback. “[P]lease understand what is happening here,” writes Michael Lerner in the New York Times in a column titled “Stop Shaming Trump Supporters.” “Many Trump supporters very legitimately feel that it is they who have been facing an unfair reality.” He continues: “The left needs to stop ignoring people’s inner pain and fear. The racism, sexism and xenophobia used by Mr. Trump to advance his candidacy does not reveal an inherent malice in the majority of Americans.”

On Twitter, Chris Cillizza of the Washington Post gave his version of this argument. “The assumption that ‘Trump voter = racist’ is deeply corrosive to democracy. Also wrong,” he said, adding that there “is nothing more maddening—and counterproductive—to me than saying that Trump’s 59 million votes were all racist. Ridiculous.”

Meanwhile, more than 300 incidents of harassment or intimidation have been reported in the aftermath of Trump’s election, according to the Southern Poverty Law Center. NBC News confirmed several, including incidents where vandals spray-painted slurs (“Heil Trump”) and swastikas on churches serving Hispanic or LGBT communities. At San Diego State University, a hijab-wearing Muslim student says she was confronted and robbed by two men who made comments about Trump, and at the University of Michigan in Ann Arbor, a Muslim student says a man approached her and threatened to set her on fireunless she removed her hijab. At the University of Pennsylvania, black members of the freshman class were added to a racist social media group, where students were threatened with lynchings.

Millions of Americans are justifiably afraid of what they’ll face under a Trump administration. If any group demands our support and sympathy, it’s these people, not the Americans who backed Trump and his threat of state-sanctioned violence against Hispanic immigrants and Muslim Americans. All the solicitude, outrage, and moral telepathy being deployed in defense of Trump supporters—who voted for a racist who promised racist outcomes—is perverse, bordering on abhorrent.

Blood at the Root: A Racial Cleansing in America.

Top Comment

It is extremely important for Democrats to empathize with Trump voters because that is the core act of marketing: understanding what motivates your constituents. Primer: empathy means understanding someone else's perspective. 5.6k CommentsJoin In

And the people who watched these events, who brought their families to gawk and smile, were the very model of decent, law-abiding Americana. Hate and racism have always been the province of “good people.” To treat Trump voters as presumptively innocent—even as they hand power to a demagogic movement of ignorance and racism—is to clear them of moral responsibility for whatever happens next, even if it’s violence against communities of color. Even if, despite the patina of law, it is essentially criminal. It is to absolve Trump’s supporters of any blame or any fault. Yes, they put a white nationalist in power. But the consequences? Well, it’s not what they wanted.

“One can be, indeed one must strive to become, tough and philosophical concerning destruction and death, for this is what most of mankind has been best at since we have heard of man,” wrote James Baldwin in his seminal work, The Fire Next Time. “But it is not permissible that the authors of devastation should also be innocent. It is the innocence which constitutes the crime.” We can hope Trump was bluffing about his promises. If not, then the next four years will be hard for the Americans he plans to target. What we cannot do is pretend this wasn’t a choice, that no one was responsible.


Gotta learn how to kill a nikka from the inside
Oct 19, 2015
:manny: He's right. Donald Trump has a history of racist and prejudice actions towards African Americans. So it breaks down to this.

1) If you're white, I have to believe that you condone his rhetoric and actions. Which in terms means you're probably racist or prejudice yourself.

2) If you're African-American and support Donald Trump, I have to believe you have a very c00nish mindset. There's no way a normal African American ( or anybody from the African dystopia), hears how he discriminated against your own ( housing), post false information that makes you look violent ( 99percent of blacks kills whites), continue to believes the central park 5 deserves the death penalty ( courts proved their innocence), and not have a c00n mindset.

Think of it this way, you voted for a KKK endorsed candidate. Explain that to your ancestors that were killed by them.
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Aug 29, 2013
Someone said (paraphrasing) "Trump voters are either racist or they decided that racism wasn't a deal breaker to be president."

And I saw a meme of Trump supporters waiving confederate flags. The meme said something like "The irony of Trump supporters telling democrats to get over a loss". Lol. That was pretty clever.


Winning a big lottery jackpot is my dream.
Apr 21, 2015
He is not in denial like 99.9% of the media when discussing Trump voters

Vinny Lupton

Jan 27, 2014
Can you refute his point?
I made my own point, which is: saying that without a doubt half of the people you come across in a day, 1 out of 2, are racist (* that is, racist in the opposite direction as you) is literally, literally divisive . It would be like me accusing half of Anerican voters of being in favor of dirty politics because Hillary conspired to have unfair advantages over Sanders, or that everyone that voted for her wants to see dead Syrian babies. And not accusing them in my home or in my head, mind you, but writing hundreds of articles attacking everyone who didn't vote the same way.

Are there racists out there? Deliberate acting racists? Of course. But there are people out there who are in some safe town in Minnesota or something with 0 murders a year and everyone in town looks the same and there is no way they can wake up every day with racism on their minds because they have the luxury of not being or feeling oppressed. So lets yell at them and shyt on them and call them dumb klan rednecks until they join our side. a guy who thinks race doesn't exist because race doesn't exist in his world isn't voting on race issues. And the same way lifelong city dwellers don't go in the voting booth with the concerns of the American farmer in the forefront. Self interest rules the world but that doesn't make half the people you see when you look out the window racists. There is a difference between someone being uneducated on/ insensitive to / or not understanding of your plight and racism

What is the end game here, if not to divide people? You tell me. Nobody is leaving, no states are seceding. There's nowhere to go. Let's fight and kill each other
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