That neega Jack Tretton caught a murder case today....


All Star
May 29, 2012
If xbox didn't have titan fall, and ps4 wasn't going to start charging for online then id probably get a ps4 . Honestly id probably still get one if they didn't start charging. I'm not paying to go online with my backup system...

Thank god ps4 doesn't have drm. I'm hope MS feels the pressure to tchange it. Because even tho I'm getting an xbox. I could never recommend it to anybody knowing that if they run out of internet they lose all their's games were wack... kingdom heart is cool for other...but I could never get into 1 or 2.. infamous looks fun, but that's about as far as ps4 exclusives go. Titan fall has me sold. Plus they are fiving out free games with gold now and they are making it so u can share gold with others...thanks sony competition makes things better for us, sadly they don't have any games for me, and they need to fix the controller. Maybe they can show a good game next e3 and ill get one. The ps3 is $100 less but the xbox comes with a year of gold so its really like $60 less. Not a big enough gap to justify buying the ps4, hopefully xbox does something about online checks for my broke friends who has internet every month