The Official Game Dev/Production Thread


The Lion Choker
Mar 11, 2013
In my ongoing efforts to make the Arcadium great again, I moving forward with game dev for the brehs. I know there’s a few of y’all in tone industry too, so feel free to add. Gonna share tutorials, getting started, design etc. I’ll try to keep it linear and adding stuff when something strikes me.

If y’all got any questions feel free to throw them, I’ll answer the best I can.

3D Software - All these softwares come with a ton of tutorials and models can be transferred between them


If you never touched 3D software I recommend Blender, a lot of indie/hobby devs use it and it’s free. Software has come a long way since I used it and it definitely shows with blender. Easy for beginners and a ton of tutorials.

3DS Max

This is the one I was trained. If you have the fundamentals down it’s super intuitive and has great built renderers. Haven’t touched it in a while but its particle systems were pretty weak and memory heavy even when we sent it off to the renderfarm. It’s owned by autodesk, and used in a lot of AEC, Interior Design, & industrial markets, great and versatile.


This was always considered the professional software, software animation and Hollywood. It’s extremely flexible and it’s animation tool were the standard. I was trained on this one too but I hate the interface. It’s improved over the years but Max has the GOAT UI/UX

There’s a few others like Houdini, but I’ve never worked with them.