There are so many black crypto influencers pushing Trump. It’s wild.

Oct 22, 2017
It’s fair to say I am considerably invested in crypto. It’s also no mystery that Biden isn’t particularly fond of the industry, his pick for the SEC - Gary Gensler - spending much of his term targeting crypto firms. Obviously, I have a vested interest in seeing Biden’s assault on crypto end. However, that doesn’t mean I’m going to throw my lot in with a white nationalist and begin advocating for his return to the White House.

Unfortunately, a number of black crypto influencers, some of whom I would have never suspected of having any affinity for the likes of Trump, are regularly promoting him with the argument that he’d be good crypto.

Yes, Trump recently came out in support of crypto, but it’s just one of many cynical grabs for votes that he’s made since 2016. I doubt he even knows what crypto actually is, and I am sure that the financiers he cavorts with aren’t friendly to anything that would possibly narrow the wealth gap.

It’s just odd seeing so many young black men on X hyping up Trump.



Nov 26, 2016
It’s fair to say I am considerably invested in crypto. It’s also no mystery that Biden isn’t particularly fond of the industry, his pick for the SEC - Gary Gensler - spending much of his term targeting crypto firms. Obviously, I have a vested interest in seeing Biden’s assault on crypto end. However, that doesn’t mean I’m going to throw my lot in with a white nationalist and begin advocating for his return to the White House.

Unfortunately, a number of black crypto influencers, some of whom I would have never suspected of having any affinity for the likes of Trump, are regularly promoting him with the argument that he’d be good crypto.

Yes, Trump recently came out in support of crypto, but it’s just one of many cynical grabs for votes that he’s made since 2016. I doubt he even knows what crypto actually is, and I am sure that the financiers he cavorts with aren’t friendly to anything that would possibly narrow the wealth gap.

It’s just odd seeing so many young black men on X hyping up Trump.

Not wild at all. Robber barons make good money with Trump in office and get extortionate tax breaks.

You think a large cross section of people wouldn't choose this over social justice? That's simply human nature.