This Is the Woman You Want to Keep Up With?


Jan 1, 2018
Just pushed the pen and published a lengthy article and would like to hear what you think because it covers a diverse array of topics which are all interlinked, for example:
  • Social media fakery
  • The power of whats between your legs
  • Unfulfilling relationships
  • The golden child/black sheep dynamic
  • Becoming your mother, for better or worse
  • Anxiety and coping strategies
  • Not seeing what you already possess
  • The real reason many women got married
Starts off like this:

There are a load of married women out there who are simply playing house. Sure it may seem like a dream as they livestream and offer you a peek of the apparently idyllic bliss and perfection within which she lives with her photogenic husband and kids, walk in closet and holidays that jet set as you sit there scrolling the feed and vicariously living from your cubicle in the office as you eat an instant snack thats high in sodium and low in nutrition. I’m going to let you into a little secret:

She hates every moment of it. Well, maybe not her children, entirely, even though they do get hit with the shrapnel that explodes from time to time due to her immense dissatisfaction. Naked she stands, in front of the mirror with fourth wine glass in hand at two PM. If you look closely you’ll notice her eyes glisten as she’s been crying, quietly to herself because she has to keep such a firm grip on her emotions that she’s starting to notice the tension patterns set in. “What is wrong with me?” she thinks. “I’ve got it all. My dreams since a kid have been more than fulfilled. All I’ve got to do is play my position” escapes as a whisper from her lips as she stands there surrounded by all the shiny things she coveted. “Why do I feel so empty and unfulfilled within?”.
