What’s Happening With The Vinton Public Library


Nov 1, 2015

Posted July 13th, 2022 at 10:55am by Ty Rushing
Photo from Vinton Public Library

Residents of a small Iowa town criticized their library’s LGBTQ staff and their displaying of LGBTQ-related books until most of the staff quit. Now, the town’s library is closed for the foreseeable future.

After having the same library director for 32 years, the Vinton Public Library can’t seem to keep the position filled anymore. Since summer 2021, the Vinton Public Library has gone through two permanent directors and an interim director who has served in that role twice.

Located about 40 miles northwest of Cedar Rapids, the doors of the Vinton Public Library—housed in a brick and stone Carnegie—have been open to the public since 1904, but were shuttered on Friday, July 8, while the Vinton Library Board tries to sort out staffing issues seemingly brought on by local dalliances with the national culture wars.

It comes after a handful of locals whipped up a controversy first over the library displaying books about prominent Democrats, and later about it displaying LGBTQ books and having LGBTQ people on staff.

Attacks on LGBTQ people and books—and those from other marginalized communities—have been part of a nationwide trend sparked by homophobic right-wing activists stoking fears by trying to lump those materials in with pedophilia and left-wing indoctrination.

Iowa has been no exception and public and school libraries have both in these crosshairs.

According to the Cedar Rapids Gazette, the library is set to reopen with limited hours and service on Monday, July 18, with members of the library board filling in as volunteers, but how did things get to this point in town?

‘We Couldn’t Function Correctly’​

The issues in Vinton came to a head last summer.
According to the Cedar Rapids Gazette, the first resignation came in July 2021 when former director Janette McMahon resigned for a similar post in DeWitt. McMahon took over the Vinton job in May 2020 following Virginia Holsten who had worked for the library since 1988 and been director since 1990 before retiring.
McMahon, who has been a library director since 1995, told the Gazette some patrons informally complained about the library displaying books written by First Lady Jill Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris.
Rather than go through the official procedure to have the books reviewed and possibly removed, McMahon said people would just check those books out and never return them, which is theft of materials and forced the library to go through a process to get them back.
Another complaint was that the library didn’t have enough books about former President Donald Trump on display.
“The Kamala (Harris) book was given to the library when she spoke there, and the ‘Joey’ book was a purchase request” from a library patron,” McMahon told the Gazette. “It was not deliberate.”

“I can’t buy what doesn’t exist, and there weren’t quality books about Trump,” she continued. “It’s a long process to choose materials typically. We pay attention to reviews and publishers and our collection needs as a whole. We don’t just say what looks good on Amazon.”

Still, none of the complaints were formalized and pretty soon McMahon said the attacks turned personal. After a while, she told the Gazette she no longer felt comfortable living in the community.

“When I had had enough, we couldn’t function correctly as a library, so I decided to find a community that better fit me as a librarian and my standards for library ethics,” she told the Gazette.

‘We Love Miss Renee’​

Vinton Children’s Librarian Colton Neely was appointed interim director following McMahon’s resignation. This was his first stint as interim director. Renee Greenlee, formerly of the Marion Public Library, was hired as the new Vinton Public Library director in November 2021.

Greenlee came to Vinton highly regarded because of her involvement in the Marion community.

During her time at the Marion Public Library, Greenlee “helped facilitate Marion’s first Pride event, which featured a Pride parade around the library, a drag queen story time, a panel with local LGBTQIA+ agencies and more,” according to I Love Libraries.

For her efforts with the LGTBQ community and in helping Marion recover from the 2020 derecho, Greenlee was named a 2022 I Love My Librarian award winner. The national honor is bestowed by the American Library Association (ALA) and only 10 librarians in the country win the award each year.

One of the library patrons who nominated Greenlee wrote, “We love Miss Renee, she makes the world a better place.” When she accepted the award during a virtual ceremony in January, things appeared to be going well for her in Vinton.

“This is a brand new role for me and I’m having a wonderful time getting to know my new community,” Greenlee said.

Book Displays and LGBTQ Staff​

Greenlee was a few months into her tenure before she and her staff became public targets.

According to the Vinton Eagle, rural Vinton resident Brooke Kruckernberg read a prepared statement during the March 9 Vinton Library Board meeting that accused the facility of having a “liberal agenda” because of book choices and due to the hiring of Greenlee and her staff, some of whom are LGBTQ.

“It appears that there is a slow, quiet agenda moving into our local library culture through the staff hiring decisions and the books that have crept in our children’s section of the library,” Kruckernberg’s statement read.

“I don’t believe the library is representing our town well with hiring a majority of staff who are openly a part of the LGBTQ community.”

Neely, who is an openly gay man, had been working at the Vinton Public Library since January 2021, which was well before Greenlee joined the staff.

During the April library board meeting, the Vinton Eagle reported that Kruckernberg’s mother, Deb Hesson, tried to walk back her daughter’s comments about the LGBTQ staff members, but also asked for balance in book displays.

“For each book promoting the LGBTQ lifestyle, there should be a book on display that discusses how God created and designed people as either male or female from birth, for life,” Hesson said.

According to Greenlee, the Vinton Public Library had nearly 5,800 materials in the children’s section. Of those, three books had a subject heading of “LGBT,” two had a heading of “gay,” two mentioned transgender, and none mentioned “binary,” “lesbian,” or “bisexual,” whereas there are 173 books with Christian themes.

During the April meeting, Greenlee defended her staff members and reiterated that the library serves all patrons. She also explained why a tit-for-tat display of Christian and LGBTQ books would create additional inequalities.

“If the library were to do as Ms. Kruckenberg asked regarding the 1:1 display of books about transgender people to God-approved cisgender people, this would result in biased displays,” Greenlee said.

“To be equitable, we would also need to display books with multiple religious and non-religious views of gender, including Christian denominations and other religions that are inclusive of transgender people.”

It was more of the same during the May Library Board meeting and Greenlee resigned later that month. When the Cedar Rapids Gazette asked Greenlee why she declined to comment.

‘I Wanted My Staff To Feel Welcome’​

Neely was appointed as interim director for the second time while working for the Vinton library. He resigned last week to take a job in Burlington, leaving the library without any full-time staff which prompted the indefinite closing.

Last month, Greenlee shared an article about what’s happening in Vinton while elaborating that what’s taking place is about more than just books.

“A big part of this ‘controversy’ WAS because of personnel, people who are important to me who were discriminated against because they are LGBTQIA+. It’s not just about the books. Yes, the books are EXTREMELY important. EVERYONE should be able to choose for themselves what they read and see themselves reflected in books,” she wrote.

“But, I wanted my staff to feel welcome and accepted, just like I wanted every community member to feel. The public library is for EVERYONE, no qualifications, no questions asked. YOU JUST BELONG. “

Greenlee called Vinton a wonderful community and went on to note these types of things are happening in communities everywhere and people need to pay attention.
“Know what’s happening at your public library, who is challenging books, displays, and even staff. It’s real, it’s current, it’s dangerous and scary,” she wrote. “Remember, your public library supports everyone in the community regardless of race, ethnicity, economic status, home situation, gender, sexuality, etc. The fact that ALL ARE WELCOME should not be a controversy.”

Greenlee’s resignation drew concern in the community, even prompting Vinton City Councilwoman Tami Stark—in her capacity as a Vinton resident and not as an official—to read a statement at the May 26 city council meeting expressing her disappointment at the loss.

“She’s a gem and shame on us for losing this,” Stark said, according to the Vinton Eagle.

Stark told Starting Line she and the council have been advised not to discuss personnel issues. However, she noted the library board—which oversees the library and director—is working on getting the job posted.

“What I can tell you is that there are some unhappy citizens in Vinton—on both sides of the issue—so we’re working towards making it better however we can do that,” Stark said.
UPDATE (July 14, 2022, 1:48 p.m.): This story has been updated with the library’s projected reopening date.
by Ty Rushing


Dec 4, 2016
I think the most vexing thing about the situation is that the draining of personnel will lead to more people who have the uneducated views that got the library targeted in the first place.


Nov 1, 2015

Upset over LGBTQ books, a Michigan town defunds its library in tax vote​

sign in front of a yard

Controversy has swirled around the Patmos Library since patrons began protesting some books with LGBT themes written for young adults. (Bridge Photo by Ron French)

August 3, 2022
Ron French (Email)
Michigan Government
2022 Michigan election, Michigan K-12 schools

  • A west Michigan public library may close after residents voted to defund it Tuesday
  • Voters are upset about LGBT-themed graphic novels in the library
  • Residents and library officials are now at a stalemate about what happens next

JAMESTOWN TOWNSHIP—What started as a fight over an LGBTQ-themed graphic novel may end with the closure of a west Michigan public library.
Voters in Jamestown Township, a politically conservative community in Ottawa County, rejected renewal Tuesday of a millage that would support the Patmos Library. That vote guts the library’s operating budget in 2023 — 84 percent of the library’s $245,000 budget comes from property taxes collected through a millage.

Without a millage, the library is likely to run out of money sometime late next year, said Larry Walton, library board president.

“I wasn’t expecting anything like this,” Walton told Bridge Michigan Tuesday. “The library is the center of the community. For individuals to be short sighted to close that down over opposing LGBTQ is very disappointing.”

There have been protests at other Michigan public libraries and at school board meetings about books with LGBTQ themes. But Tuesday may be the first time a community voted, in effect, to close its library rather than have it remain open with books some consider to be “indoctrinating” children.
Voters on Tuesday rejected the millage renewal by a 25-point margin — 62 percent to 37 percent — on the same day voters approved millages for road improvements and the fire department.

Ten years earlier, a library millage at a slightly lower rate was approved by 37 percentage points.

For the average home with a market value of $250,000, the new millage, if approved, would have increased taxes about $24.

Debbie Mikula, executive director of the Michigan Library Association, said Wednesday there were about 40 public library millages on ballots across the state Tuesday, and all but a handful passed. No others that failed appeared to be due to cultural issues like with the Patmos millage, she said.
Patmos Library

The Patmos Library, built in 1999, faces the prospect of closure after residents rejected an operating millage Tuesday that provides the lion’s share of funding for the institution. (Bridge photo by Ron French)

The difference, according to voters who spoke to Bridge Tuesday: Books in the adult and young adult section of the Patmos Library that depict, in some cases in detail, same-sex relationships.

Earlier this year, a parent raised concerns about the graphic novel “Gender Queer: A Memoir,” located in the adult graphic novel section. The book tells the story of the author’s coming of age as non-binary, and includes illustrations of sex acts.

As many as 50 people attended several library board meetings this spring, meetings that typically draw only a handful of residents. At those meetings, residents demanded the book be pulled from the shelves. The library board moved the book behind the counter, where children couldn’t happen upon it by accident.

Complaints were filed about several other books, including Spinning,” a graphic novel about a teen girl and her attraction to other girls, and Kiss Number 8,” a graphic novel with similar themes. Those books remain on the shelves of the young adult (high-school age) graphic novels section.
books on the sign

Two of the LGBT-themed books some residents are unhappy with, “Spinning” and “Kiss Number 8,” are side by side in the young adult graphic novel section of the Patmos Library. (Bridge photo by Ron French)

Library Director Amber McLain resigned this spring, telling Bridge she had been harassed online and accused of indoctrinating children. Interim director Matthew Lawrence resigned later.

When the Patmos staff and elected board of directors declined to remove the books from the library’s collection, some upset residents organized an effort to defeat the library’s millage renewal.

The group, called Jamestown Conservatives, passed out flyers at the town’s Memorial Day parade that referenced “Gender Queer: a Memoir,” a Pride Month display at the library and a director who, in the group’s words, “promoted the LGBTQ ideology.”

“Pray that we can make changes and make the Patmos Library a safe and neutral place for our children,” the flyer said.

Yard signs urging residents to vote no on the library millage popped up along Riley Street, Jamestown’s main drag. One sign was directly across the street from the library, and another was conspicuously in the lawn of a library board member. That board member could not be reached for comment.

One resident posted a large, homemade sign that said, “50 percent increase to GROOM our kids? Vote NO on Library!”

Salem Sousley, who identifies as nonbinary and lives close by, said when they see the sign “it turns my stomach.”

Having books young adults can access on LGBT themes “is incredibly important,” Sousley said. “When I was growing up in Jenison (in Ottawa County), the language of who I was as a nonbinary person didn’t exist yet. When I read ‘Gender Queer,’ it was the first time I ever saw myself represented in a book.

“So many kids are struggling in silence, especially in areas like this,” Sousley said. “Having access to resources and materials of people who are sharing your experiences is literally life-saving.”

Jamestown Township, population just under 10,000, is politically conservative even for conservative Ottawa County. The township voted for Donald Trump for president by a margin of 76-21 percent in 2020. About 92 percent of residents are white, and the median income of $81,000 is 37 percent higher than that of the state median household income of $59,000.

The village of Jamestown, which is within the township, has streets of well-maintained homes and sidewalks shaded by large trees, with construction of new subdivisions nearby. There is an ice cream shop at the main intersection, just across a parking lot from the township library.

The library is built to resemble a train depot, commemorating the interurban trolley that ran from Holland to Grand Rapids a century earlier. Inside the library on Tuesday, staffers helped patrons check out books and find materials. A young mother laughed as her son played with hand puppets. Someone had brought a box of zucchini, with a sign for patrons to help themselves.

The main display inside the library was of “never out of print classics,” including the Bible and Ayn Rand's “The Fountainhead.”

One of the township’s three voting precincts Tuesday was in the community room of the library. Most of the people who spoke to Bridge outside the library said they voted to defund the facility.

“We don’t need to see those books out front,” said Sarah Johnson. “We’re all for the library. I use it. We want to make a statement that we want some say in the books (chosen to be in the collection).”

Steve Wiltz said he voted no because of “some of the materials that are in here I don’t agree with.”

Amanda Ensing, one of the organizers of the Jamestown Conservatives group, emerged from the library Tuesday wearing an “I voted” sticker. “They are trying to groom our children to believe that it’s OK to have these sinful desires,” Ensing said of library officials. “It’s not a political issue, it’s a Biblical issue.”
Walton, the library board president, had been optimistic that the millage would pass when he spoke to Bridge Michigan on election day.

On Tuesday afternoon as votes were still being cast, Walton said that if the millage was defeated, the library would continue to receive tax funds from the old millage through the first quarter of 2023. After those funds dry up and the library’s fund reserves of about $325,000 are depleted, “we would close,” he said.

Walton estimated that closure would be in fall 2023, barring a second millage renewal attempt approved by voters before then.

Most people who said they voted to defund the library Tuesday, said they didn’t believe it would close.

But without tax funds, the library doesn’t bring in enough in grants, fines and community room rentals to keep its doors open.

With a library closure, that community room where residents voted Tuesday would be unavailable, Walton said, so would the mobile wifi hotspots used by residents who lack wifi in their homes.

“There are community members who sit in the parking lot to use our wifi,” said Marcia Frobish, who serves on the library board. “The library is a lot more than books.”

The library has 67,000 books, videos and other items in its collection, of which about 90 have an LGBTQ theme, library officials said.

Ensing, who helped organize the no campaign, said she hoped the millage rejection would be a “wake-up call” that would encourage library officials to remove books from shelves that community members find objectionable.

If that’s done, “they can ask for a millage again,” she said.

But Walton didn’t appear ready to compromise Tuesday. He said he didn’t believe the library needed a wake-up call and shouldn’t remove books.
“A wake-up call to what? To take LGBTQ books off the shelf and then they will give us money? What do you call that? Ransom?

“We stand behind the fact that our community is made up of a very diverse group of individuals, and we as a library cater to the diversity of our community,” he said.

Walton could not be reached Wednesday.

Mikula of the library association said the Patmos Library could still get a millage on the November ballot, if ballot language is given to the Ottawa County clerk’s office by Aug. 16.

But after having just lost by 25 points, turning around public sentiment in less than three months might be difficult without concessions by the library, which Mikula said is difficult because public libraries must follow its “collection development policies. If patrons have challenged (books) and the library board has made a decision to keep them, then … the First Amendment protects the process.”

It’s a difficult position for the library, Mikula acknowledged. “It's hard to look at being threatened with the closure of your library because they won’t remove LGBT materials.”

Frobish, the board member, said she doesn’t want to remove materials from the library, but didn’t know what the board would do. “We’re in uncharted territory,” she said.

A millage ballot effort in 2023 would be difficult because there are no elections scheduled for that year, which would force the library to pick up the cost of holding a millage vote, Mikula said.

The library board will talk about its financial outlook at its next meeting on Monday.

“I love my country, and I believe what is happening is going against the First Amendment,” said Lawrence, the former director. “The people who need the library the most can’t vote because they are children.”


Nov 1, 2015
One of the township’s three voting precincts Tuesday was in the community room of the library. Most of the people who spoke to Bridge outside the library said they voted to defund the facility.

they voted to defund the place they voted at.:laff::laff::laff: