Squad God
This is one thing that always confuses me year by year, by how many ppl I get into debates, arguments and damn near fights about December 25 aka Bhristmas being Jesus' Birthday

If the story of the 3 wise men following the north star to find baby Jesus in Bethlehem is true

Then all you need to do is research an astrology calendar to see EXACTLY what month/period of time that certain constellation would be seen in the sky at that EXACT coordinates stated in scripture...

That is, only true if you indulge in the whole New Testament doctrine, edited and revised by the Council of Nicea and stamped by King James, who also wrote the book on Demonology

If the story of the 3 wise men following the north star to find baby Jesus in Bethlehem is true

Then all you need to do is research an astrology calendar to see EXACTLY what month/period of time that certain constellation would be seen in the sky at that EXACT coordinates stated in scripture...

That is, only true if you indulge in the whole New Testament doctrine, edited and revised by the Council of Nicea and stamped by King James, who also wrote the book on Demonology