World’s oldest man, 111, who lived through Spanish Flu is worried about the coronavirus


Nostalgia Junkie
May 15, 2014
The world's oldest man aged 111 who lived through the deadly Spanish Flu pandemic has voiced his fears over coronavirus.

Bob Weighton, from Alton, Hampshire, who was born in 1908, said he's concerned about the outbreak for his relatives' sake, saying he's 'lived long enough' anyway.

"I was only ten at the time of the Spanish flu.

"I remember hearing stories going round and reading newspaper articles - as I am doing now with the coverage of coronavirus - about people getting the Spanish flu and dying. But luckily I never got it."


Mr Weighton, who still lives on his own in a flat in Alton, has lived through the Spanish flu, both World Wars, the rise and fall of the Soviet Union and the invention of the internet.

He said: "I'm very worried about coronavirus - everyone should be.

"I should be worried about myself but I've lived long enough. But I'm more worried for my children and grandchildren.

Despite being worried, he insists that the virus outbreak isn't as bad as 1918 Spanish Flu, which infected 500 million people worldwide and killed between 20 to 50 million.

But to be on the safe side, Mr Weighton has been taking greater care with cleanliness and hygiene since the outbreak of the Covid-19. As a result he's taken to washing his hands more frequently and using a nailbrush to scrub under his nails.

World's oldest man, 111, who lived through Spanish Flu that killed 50million is worried about coronavirus
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