Wee-Bey shrug
@3Rivers i view all of my work on a black background and a white background before i put it up to avoid that problem.
are you using the eraser to clip shyt out?
i'm interested in your technique.
@Orbital-Fetus If it's a pretty solid color basic background that I want out I'll used the magic wand tool and then use the eraser to try to smooth out some spots around the object I'm keeping. The tolerance I had around 30 on the og version. Went back and put it up to 100 and it pretty much took care of the small spots around Wee-Bey
@3Rivers if you want perfection.....use the pen to create paths around the subject.
i know, i know....this is a pain in the ass especially when dealing with animation.
the polygonal lasso tool can substitute most of the time.

that's how you get rid of the white that frames his body.

u smell me?

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