Reputation profile of fukkyalifestyle

Reputation profile of fukkyalifestyle

your a fukkin idiot
LOL @taking piss tests for minimum wage jobs cuz u only have broke nikka options. U were never a boss. Send me ya resume so i can wipe my ass with it
Not sure how I missed this last time, but you had it coming pal
tell em
To cancel out the troll.
You will respect me, markkk
Did you wince when she squeezed your hand? Lord, I hope not bruhbruh
nice one
hold this rep
corny ass whiteboy. u live in nyc wussup with the fade on camera p*ssy?
I got that damn smiley on a t-shirt:mjlol:
nice reference
Your white with a small dikk...she aint fukking with u
always +rep for diabeetus usage. lmao