Reputation profile of GoGetMyDamnBelt_

Reputation profile of GoGetMyDamnBelt_

Hey there. Lol
Thank you for opening up to us. No one should have to deal with depression alone.
It may sound cliche, but music helps mood. I recommend learning how to play instrument. PM me if you wanna talk more about it
Stay skrong sis, Im out here depressed as fukk too nowadays :mjcry:
Hope you get better.
Fight Me
take this rep
:hug: we love ya
I see a therapist. Things will get better with time.
You're welcome, love. Stay strong!
takes courage,i admire it..btw the system will never try to "heal" you,just make you a better functioning "productive" android...
Stay strong, this too shall pass
Stay up
Feel better
Wow that dude was so lucky and he didn't know it. His family wasn't your responsibility. He should've only gave them a small amount of HIS dough.
That's fukked up brehette :mjcry: stay strong