
  1. Unknown Poster

    Man, dealing with ADHD sucks.

    I've been living with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder since I was 5 years old. I'm 35 now. Let me tell you, it never gets any easier dealing with this and you will never know how many times in my life I wish I was not dealing with this ish and I could just be "normal"...whatever the...
  2. M

    Is there a way to feel like I'm on Adderall 24/7?

    I have diagnosed ADHD, and after years of struggling with poor school performance, being a nonstop talkative mf, and constantly being worried and at edge, I finally got a prescription in November. MY LIFE HAS CHANGED BREHS!!!! I feel at peace now. My thoughts are clear, I get a warm, fuzzy...
  3. HopeKillCure

    Coli Class of 2015...ASSEMBLE!

    Seriously tho, who are ya'll? :lupe: What dat Coli cash looking like:birdman: Coli 2015: We invented the dap