
  1. C

    Report Problems with Bad Adverts (Popups, Redirects, Intrusive)

    First of all sorry for the inconvenience. Trying to resolve this has been difficult. We're not always able to reproduce the problem which means we have no way of fixing it. We rely on information from people experiencing these problems to assist us in removing the bad adverts from our network...
  2. Luken

    anybody hip to Marketing, Advertising, search algorithms, Ad-sense etc

    Im invested in a few business and of course i want them to thrive. how do i go about or find a service to promote them? how do i get them to pop on mediums like instagram etc? this aspect of the game is new to me.
  3. S

    Is there a way for us to get paid for promoting products?

    So this thread, If you use Spotify, but not premium, you lost. is basically an advertising for Spotify. So my question is if we're going that far to promote a product why not get paid for it? If you can, then how? In the world of capitalism that we live in, this should be a "not all that crazy...
  4. Lokozuna

    What are some commercials that completely sold you on a game or console?

    Here are some that got me hyped as a kid: WWE Day of Reckoning Dreamcast Gears of War Virtua Fighter 4 Super Smash Bros Soul Calibur II