
  1. Hathaway

    No State in The USA Has an Average Annual Salary Above $76K..

    And the average annual income of Americans in general as of 2023 is only about $58k. Idk why this shocked me. Me and my wife double that and we feel like we can barely put money away with a family of 4. It's crazy that the average family is surviving on barely $60k. shyt must be brutal...
  2. Ahadi

    Americans are quitting their jobs at record rates — here are the 10 states leading the trend

    America is becoming a nation of quitters — with a record 4.4 million workershanding in their resignations in September. But the trend isn't spread evenly across the country, with some states experiencing sharp increases in workers handing in their two-week notices. Called "The Great...
  3. JadeB

    Only 4% of Americans owned a passport in 1990

    :gucci:Did nikkas just never left their hometowns or what??? Not even Mexico or Canada??? Yeah international travel laws were probably a bit looser back then but it been a requirement to have a passport when leaving the US since 1941 It just doesn't compute
  4. The Odum of Ala Igbo

    Are Americans Becoming More Xenophobic, Regardless of Race?

    Seems like the Coli increasingly hates all immigrants. Let’s discuss!
  5. NoirDynosaur

    The First Americans were Black Afrakans. Important

    There's been a lot of speculation on the origins of the first settlers on the Americas. It's now common knowledge that Christopher Columbus did not discover Americas but only Dominican Republic (Taino MONGLOIDS from ASIA). It's also common knowledge that the Vikings (Leif Erickson) were in...