bitter men circle jerk

  1. DrX

    What,If most of ur experiences have been negative with AA women,why do u have to pretend otherwise?

    I know alotta ppl ain't gonna like this one, but I stand for truth, how I see it. I never came here to make friends. Just share thoughts. I Made a comment in the African women appreciation thread about how I would rather have an Caribbean women because of their culture and femininity. And I got...
  2. Prynce

    Are some men justified in their dislike or resentment of women?

    Normally I call dudes like in the video entitled women hating fukkboys (which I still think they are) but I got to thinking do these guys have a right to be angry? These feelings don't come from the sky and so should they be at least listened too? What does the coli think? Personally I don't...
  3. Drake is God

    Are women incapable of unconditional love towards men?

    When you think about it women really are in nature incapable of loving anyone unconditionally maybe they love their kids, maybe they don't. Other than that, they basically just look out for themselves and are opportunistic. If they are "in love" with their boyfriend or husband - it's only...
  4. Pdiddy

    I Don't Like Being a Black Guy

  5. Redeem87

    Men as a whole need to stop giving women so much attention

    We give them power over us by thirsting after them so much and by making fun of guys who dont go after women or attract them because by doing this you put them on a pedestal and blow thier heads up like they are what validates a man or makes a man a man. You here them say they dont need a man...
  6. Beerus

    women cannot “love” unconditionally Like we do?

    Idk how to feel about this Like holy fukkinh shyt I'll never get their love for being me? Is that what you mean? fukk this shyt I NEVER SHOULDA TOLD THE TRUTH TO THIS bytch WHEN SHE ASKED ME ALL I WANTED WAS SEX!!!!! I shoulda fukking lied...
  7. MalikReloaded

    That fake nice guy stuff is such a copout for women...

    Of course he's nice to you, he likes you dummy :beli: So women aren't "fake nice" either when they like a guy. They don't do extra things for the man they're trying to get with? If Brad Pitt or Idris Elba walked through the door, you saying all these girls who normally don't give nikkas a...
  8. InDePickWest

    Russell Wilson Taking Care Of Future's Son (PHOTOS)

    Real men stand up when a fukk nikka dont wanna take care of his seeds :obama:
  9. Boogie

    @MurderSheWrote is the worst thing to happen to the Coli since ****.

    @MurderSheWrote :sas1:

    I Just Realized Something Today While In The Shower Brehs About Women

    If a chick has any "play brothers/cousins" she's automatically unwifeable. bytch you either got real biological brothers or cousins. *and sometimes these hoes fukkin they cuzzn cuz he was married into the family :upsetfavre:* :camby: Ain't no way in Hell she gone be loyal to yo ass. :mjlol...
  11. KinksandCoils

    Why do so many men not take care of their kids?

    Let's be real. A lot of guys can be bums and they don't raise their kids. They won't do shyt for them. But not every man that has not taken care of his kid is some broke ass man who sits up in some girls house eating up all her food. Let's discuss....
  12. Bunchy Carter

    Fellas: These are the women you'll have to settle for if you aren't married by 27

  13. Doobie Doo

    Japanese People Fiendin for Nappy Ayuss Hurr I find it odd that they embrace what so many bytches hate over here. nikka looking like the asian version of Drake n shyt!