child support

  1. R

    Texas to Tie Car Registration Renewal to Child Support

    Texas to tie car registration renewal to child support The Texas Attorney General's Office has found a new way to punish parents who are behind on child support payments: blocking their vehicle registration renewal. The agency plans to employ the new tool beginning this fall against parents...
  2. Jahmal

    I got a chick in Dominican Repubican pregnant. Are there International Child Support laws?

    Long story short..I went down to DR a month ago and was smashin everything in sight. I smashed one of the chicks raw and nutted up in her. today She hit up my phone talkin bout she was pregnant. She only knows my first name and my cell number. If she has the baby can she hit up the government...
  3. Reginald Noble

    That 1 out of 100 Sister....

    Out of the mouth of a true Strong Independent Queen herself. :wow: And on the flip side you have dumb bytches like this who subscribe to feminism and think the answer to ending child support is for straight nikkas to TURN GAY and magically enjoy one day getting fukked in the ass: fakkit...
  4. ba'al

    Divorce Court Father Comfort His Cryin Daughters While They beg not to go back with their abusiv mom

  5. Warren Moon

    Why isn't there a standard set amount of child support payments?

    Why are some women rewarded for having children with richer men and some punished for having children with poorer men? :yeshrug: If we came up with a standard of how much it took to raise a child, women would be discourage to have children with poor or seeking a certain lifestyle with fukking...
  6. wickedsm

    a happy child support story for the Coli

    Father of Bristol’s newborn daughter sues for child support — so Sarah Palin goes bonkers Abstinence activist Bristol Palin was sued for child support as well as joint custody of her newborn daughter by a Kentucky Medal of Honor recipient saying he is the girl’s father, WKYT-TV reported...
  7. Giselle

    Get Married Brehtetts:Morena Baccarin to Pay Ex Husband $23K per Month in Child and Spousal Support

    Read more: Morena Baccarin -- Ordered to Pay Estranged Husband $23k a Month Morena Baccarin to Pay Ex Austin Chick $23K per Month in Child and Spousal Support I would like to add that he was making more money than her when they first got together. They talked about separating at the...
  8. beanz

    :dahell: pay child support for a child that isn't yours or go to jail :dahell:

    :dahell: @Emperor_ReinScarf :sas2:
  9. Silver Surfer

    Under what circumstance are we going raw in females these days?

  10. Uncle Phil 36

    7 Rappers Who Pay The Most In Child Support

    DMX $1.23 Million At one point DMX owed over $1 million in back pay child support. X had neglected to pay the monthly installments for nearly 10 years, leaving the payments to just rack up. X finally spoke on the matter, "Yes I am [behind in child support]", DMX told Dr. Phil. "The reason...
  11. LieutenantDan

    Funkmaster Flex GOES IN On His Baby Mama Haydee Diaz Over Child Support On Hot 97