
  1. Take It In Blood

    Yes, I am aware that he's a murderous cult leader, but it's still hilarious to hear Jim Jones curse

    he curses throughout the entire thing but here's just one timestamped moment is it normal for Pastors/Preachers to curse like that in front of their congregation? :dwillhuh: @MMS @Jesus Is Lord @Mowgli
  2. Rhapture

    That Nature boy nikka yall be talking about is crazy

    My first time actually watching him and he calling himself God and saying he doesn't speak to peoples minds but he speaks to their genetic codes because he created their genetic code from his dimension.....meanwhile 1.) He got a whole herpes outbreak on his lips 2.) He dry coughing in the...
  3. xoxodede

    "Negro Cults" - Vintage Newspaper Clippings

    The Monroe News-Star Monroe, Louisiana 12 Aug 1930, Tue • Page 1 Asheville Gazette-News Asheville, North Carolina 02 Apr 1912, Tue • Page 1
  4. Razor Reader

    book on cults and mind control...

    Some of these I have read others I have not for playing the read at some point in my life. The manipulated Mind This was a this was decent read. Basically just breaking down the tactics used on American prisoners of war in North Korean prisoner of war camps back in the 50s. It gets into how...