f*ck the grammys

  1. SupaVillain

    Who do you think should win Best Rap Album for the Grammys 2024

    I personally think it should go between Michael or Heroes and Villains. Utopia was a let down to me and Her Loss, while it was Drake's best post 2020 album, it's still not enough. I'm going to revisit to both later today, but do y'all think?
  2. Ziggiy

    The Official 2022 Hip Hop Grammys Thread

    Alright Coli brehs. Another year, another annual Hip Hop Grammys thread. While the relationship between the Grammys and Hip Hop has been...contentious to say the least; this year marks a notably antagonistic rift between music's biggest awards show and the genre that has dominated mainstream...