gender bias

  1. T

    No Excrement, Famous Fictional Detective!

    It turns out that Female psychopaths ‘more common than we think’. Summary: Researchers provide novel insights into female psychopathy, challenging the conventional 6:1 male-to-female psychopath ratio with new evidence suggesting a closer 1.2:1 ratio. Be careful out there, dudes.
  2. shhh-kull & bones

    The futility of gender-neutral parenting

    The futility of gender-neutral parenting In steadfast pursuit of gender equality and to promote nonconformity, it’s become popular in some social circles to start early, very early, by raising young children in a gender-neutral way: not revealing the baby’s sex at birth, dressing them and their...
  3. DrBanneker

    Black income distribution: where you at brehs/brehettes?

    Some months ago, the Wall St. Journal put up a calculator that let you find what percent of the population you were in by income. It was cool in that it let you break it down by race, sex, education, and generation. See it here Below, I parsed their data and found the percent income breakdowns...