shhh-kull & bones

Judah have I loved, Esau have I hated! -GAWD
Sep 17, 2013
The futility of gender-neutral parenting

In steadfast pursuit of gender equality and to promote nonconformity, it’s become popular in some social circles to start early, very early, by raising young children in a gender-neutral way: not revealing the baby’s sex at birth, dressing them and their bedroom in various shades of oatmeal, encouraging them to play with gender-neutral toys. There’s also pressure on corporations to help; parental complaints led Target to stop sex-segregating its toys, for instance.

Offering kids the opportunity to pursue what they’d like, freed from societal expectations, is an undeniably positive thing — whether it has to do with toys, clothing, or their future aspirations. But the scientific reality is that it’s futile to treat children as blank slates with no predetermined characteristics. Biology matters.

A large and long-standing body of research literature shows that toy preferences, for example, are innate, not socially constructed or shaped by parental feedback.

Most girls will gravitate toward socially interesting toys, like dolls, that help social and verbal abilities develop. Most boys will gravitate toward toys that are mechanically interesting, like cars and trucks, fostering visuo-spatial skills.

An immense body of neuroimaging research has shown brain differences between the sexes.

One recent study, published in Infant and Child Development, showed that these preferences emerge as early as nine months of age — before children are developmentally aware that gender differences exist, at around 18 months.

Another piece of evidence comes from studying girls who were exposed to high levels of testosterone prenatally, in the case of a genetic condition called congenital adrenal hyperplasia, or CAH. Girls with CAH tend to be gender nonconforming, and will prefer toys that are typical to boys, even when their parents offer more praise for playing with female-typical ones. This speaks to the vital role of hormones in developing gender preferences and sex differences in behavior, more broadly.

We also see the same trend in our primate cousins, including rhesus and vervet monkeys. Young female monkeys gravitate toward dolls while male monkeys prefer wheeled toys, despite the fact they aren’t encouraged by other monkeys or their caregivers in their choices.

In the face of scientific data, the gender-neutral movement nevertheless continues to gain momentum. Indeed, its adherents took heart in a study published last year in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, which touted the idea that the brains of women and men are identical. If so, that would offer support to the theory that gender is an artificially created, outdated concept.

However, an immense body of neuroimaging research has shown brain differences between the sexes. One meta-analysis of 126 studies found that men have larger total brain volumes than women. Men also show greater white matter connectivity running from the front to the back of the brain, while women have more of these connections running between the two hemispheres.

Additionally, when researchers reanalyzed the same brain data from the “no sex differences” study, they found that it was possible to correctly identify whether a given brain was male or female 73% of the time. But this discovery did not receive much attention from the media, and as a result, the initial study’s misinformation continues to spread.

I hear from many well-meaning parents who raised their children in gender-neutral homes and were surprised to find that they nevertheless gravitated toward stereotypical interests and toys. Little boys who were given pots and pans to play with turned them into makeshift toy cars, complete with self-generated engine sounds. Little girls turned to one another and started playing house.

The gender-neutral trend capitalizes on fears that parents have of inadvertently limiting their child’s potential. We want the best for our children; for daughters to grow up to be as competitive for STEM jobs as their male counterparts, and for sons to possess strong social and communication skills.

But whether your child leans toward gender-atypical traits will likely have more to do with the prenatal environment —testosterone levels in utero — than a perfectly balanced upbringing. Besides, so long as children are given the option to take part in activities they find interesting, there’s nothing wrong with being gender-typical.

Acknowledging inherent sex differences isn’t harmful or sexist; differences don’t necessitate one sex being better than the other.

Debra W. Soh is a sex writer and sexual neuroscientist at York University in Toronto. Follow her on Twitter: @debra_soh.


The futility of gender-neutral parenting


:ohhh: none of what is being said in that article is actually 'news' to humanity but these cacs are low key doing an about face on that whole queer-pedo-tranny life shyt

damn damn damn...

but negroes aint gonna take any of that too well
once these cacs got negroes comfortable with queer-pedo-tranny life here we go with the carpet being pulled

damn damn damn negroes bout to get really pissed when their cac masters start shaming them for adopting queer-pedo life:francis:

Kenny West

May 29, 2012
I don't wanna hear about this ever again. No more gender is a social construct. No more sex scholars making up genders and sexualities and demanding people accept it. Hopefully college folks in my generation can put their minds to good use, especially women in academia. Please no more gay and tranny shyt in the media.

It's a :blessed: feeling to see knowledge you naturally intuit get proven by reality. Glad I never bought into this garbage but it's crazy how they people are able to hijack cultural narrative like this.


Nov 18, 2016
You should see the ad where they tell women and girls to run, throw, fight, etc. The preteen girls run regular, while the grown women run like girly girls. This gender thing is all twisted because of women trying to get over and using their feminine wilds to manipulate people. Its all for show, and if it meant anything they would have voted for Hiliary rather than let an unapologetic womanizer win.


Meta Reign

I walk the streets like, ''say something, n!gga!''
Jun 9, 2012
Franklin ave.
No lie. I never pushed trucks, trains, cars on my 2 year old son. . . He was pulled to them like a magnet. His first word was truck!

My daughter is the girliest girl there is. My son plays with her toys in a completely different way than she does.

It's really amazing when you witness it.

shhh-kull & bones

Judah have I loved, Esau have I hated! -GAWD
Sep 17, 2013
You should see the ad where they tell women and girls to run, throw, fight, etc. The preteen girls run regular, while the grown women run like girly girls. This gender thing is all twisted because of women trying to get over and using their feminine wilds to manipulate people. Its all for show, and if it meant anything they would have voted for Hiliary rather than let an unapologetic womanizer win.

:lupe:...overall I think, I mean I know,folks are pretty much fed up with that whole gender bending, special snowflake liberal stuff---its just unnatural

but its that whole pc desease thing thats got many afraid to speak

the fear of losing a job for not conforming to liberal whims and dictates even if those dictates arent compatable to ones values---or basic common sense for that matter---is a big issue these days

I mean when did the mouth and anus become primary sex organs?

Why is pedophialia being normalized in elementary schools even though its not technically legal?

Why is heterosexuality the new queer?

How were the two even get equated as the the same?

Its a huge jumbled mess out here and I dont think its by accident.

Call me a tin foil hat conspiracist but I think that whole feminist-queer-pedo-tranny movement along with the drug culture and planned parenthood was a deliberate attack againts the American working and middle class nuclear family

The result being an expanded tax base and a huge surplus of cheap, disposable labor-- perfect for the upper classes to exploit:francis:

that should explain why the wealth gap is so wide and prison industry booming


All Star
Nov 17, 2016
It's not a good idea throw the baby out with the bath water. Nothing is true for everyone. No two boys are the same and no two girls are the same. Each with their own personality. I've had a male cousin who loved playing with dolls (wasn't pushed on him) who is a very stereotypical manly dude these days, and knew girls growing up who were tough and doing technical things.

Even if most go in a certain direction because of sex differences in the brain, it's not a good idea that the first second your daughter is born to get pink and purple everything, just call her princess for 18 years, and push dolls on her exclusively. Pro-tip: Just expose your children to good things. You want your children to do well in school, speak multiple languages, learn hard-work, and do well in both math and literature, as well as know how to do sports at a high level? Just push those things. Your children, male or female, do what you do and value what you do.

My son has all kinds of toys - trucks and dolls. He doesn't like any of them. He's very people focused and enjoys playing physical games like hide and seek and climbing on things.


PMD Noyemi
Jan 19, 2017
Fighting the power is fine and all, but pushing gender politics on kids is one of the biggest failings of liberal thought. Kids don't need puberty blockers (which will fukk them up later in life) until they "discover their gender", or to have their playtime choices micromanaged to encourage the specialest snowflake. They need love, attention, and education. A successful kid isn't the one who grows up the happiest, nor the one that's molded in the image idealized by the parent. A good kid goes out into the world ready for almost anything their luck might throw at them.

Informed consent and all this 'feels over reals' nonsense has harmed the coming generation in ways we won't even see for a decade.


May 8, 2012
If gender-neutral parenting doesn't work, why are you begrudging it to that small minority of parents who will have gender-nonconforming kids?

Like, if most kids are just going to conform to gender roles anyway, why does any of this frighten anyone? :heh:

Some of you take every little thing as a personal attack on your sexuality. :heh:


May 3, 2012
Fighting the power is fine and all, but pushing gender politics on kids is one of the biggest failings of liberal thought. Kids don't need puberty blockers (which will fukk them up later in life) until they "discover their gender", or to have their playtime choices micromanaged to encourage the specialest snowflake. They need love, attention, and education. A successful kid isn't the one who grows up the happiest, nor the one that's molded in the image idealized by the parent. A good kid goes out into the world ready for almost anything their luck might throw at them.

Informed consent and all this 'feels over reals' nonsense has harmed the coming generation in ways we won't even see for a decade.

The right should start painting the left as anti science.:lolbron: