mainstream rap

  1. Zero

    I feel sorry for yall who relied on mainstream rap this year

    Piggybacking off a @NoStressB post Outside of Daytona, all those 7 track Kanye EPs came and went, none of which were particularly good. The Nas and Kanye album should've been the winner but was middling as fukk, no matter how much a stan wants to lie about it. Jay-Z and Beyonce dropped a...
  2. SirReginald

    One Thing I Learned Is That Dope Boy Money Don't Last Long (You CAN'T Retire From The Dope Game)

    I'm not here to gloat about my life because we all take different paths in life. I'll admit I was terrible in elementary and the beginning of middle school. Why is this relevant? Because I used to hang with the kids who later became dope boys. I'll give a short story. This one kid I knew...