
  1. Rhapture

    "Wokelandia" a new card game created by White Male Evangelicals to battle "Wokeness"

    https://wokelandia.com/ Order your deck today! Cart A Truly Woke, Card Game Wokelandia is an educational, fun-with-friends battle between the Oppressors and the Oppressed. The first persxn with 100 oppression points wins! Your identity is the most important thing. (OF COURSE). Good thing...
  2. DrBanneker

    Rate this quote: Day 2 (Sun Yat-Sen)

    Our first "Rate this Quote" featured John Henrik Clarke and his reflections on DuBois vs. Washington. The overall average rating was 8.7 with a standard deviation of 1.7 indicating most posters rated it high quality. Today's quote, while not from a Black person, is an interesting pair of...
  3. Rhapture

    Esquire "An American Boy" what it's like to be a young, white, middle class male in this era of SJW

    Redirect Notice Esquire’s Cover Boy and Our Culture of Shame I’m a trans woman living in Brooklyn. And I have tremendous empathy for the conservative teen in Wisconsin. Share on Facebook Post on Twitter Mail Image Esquire Magazine’s February 2019 cover story.CreditEsquire By Robyn Kanner...
  4. SirReginald

    The "FORGOTTEN Minority" In Police Shootings (Goes Under Reported)

    I know this isn't a Black issue, but as minorities it affects all of us. Especially, being profiled and shot by law enforcement. Now, I made a thread like this a few months back. However, the police killings are getting worse with Native Americans. They have sky-rocked just this month. I...
  5. Jimi Swagger

    Memphis remains divided over legacy of the Confederacy

    The controversial statue in Memphis, Tennessee, of Nathan Bedford Forrest, a civil war general who was also an early member of the Ku Klux Klan. Photograph: Suzanne Lynch In the sixth part of her series “Coast to Coast: Travels in Trump’s America”, Washington Correspondent Suzanne Lynch...
  6. JahFocus CS

    A missed opportunity in the police brutality conversation

    The national conversation regarding police brutality has grown and intensified and recent years. One thing that I've been disappointed in is the failure to link the experiences and consciousness of the Occupy Wall Street movement with the wave of activism that arose around Black Lives Matter...