
  1. 88m3

    U.S. Cyber Command operation disrupted Internet access of Russian troll factory on day of 2018 midtm

    So again this is what the Republican Party is defending by continuing to ignore that this happening and refusing to hold Russia accountable.
  2. 19-

    Putin wants to regulate and guide rap music in Russia

    Russian President Vladimir Putin said Saturday said rap in the country should be regulated, not banned amid its growing popularity. “If it is impossible to stop, then we must lead it and direct it,” Putin said of rap to a meeting of cultural advisers in St. Petersburg, the Associated Press...
  3. ba'al

    Russia and China Shows Off Thier Military Forces in a Large Scale Drill Exhibition.

    full article Putin watches as Russian and Chinese tanks tear up fields and choppers fill sky
  4. loyola llothta

    Sanctions Backfire: US IS Being Left Behind

  5. FAH1223

    How Turkey’s Currency Crisis Came To Pass

    How Turkey's Currency Crisis Came To Pass The larger economic picture: Outside of his country Erdogan is much disliked. His arrogance and autocratic style do not leave a good impression. But within Turkey he had a very successful career and continues to be supported by a majority of his...
  6. FAH1223

    US Senators introduce new Russia sanctions bill “from hell”

  7. S

    Russian agents infiltrated the NRA?

    Yahoo is now part of Oath Our country is going to be a colony of Russia if this continues. Neo Soviet Union is coming to us in the 21st century. Welcome, comrades! But seriously, how far does the rabbithole go when it comes to the Russia-US situation?
  8. FAH1223

    How the Iran sanctions drama intersects with OPEC-plus

    How the Iran sanctions drama intersects with OPEC-plus Major states buying oil from Iran are unlikely to heed the US call to drop imports; key allies want a waiver to avoid sanctions; OPEC, meanwhile, will have trouble boosting output in the short-term; the puzzle is not solved, but there are...
  9. FAH1223

    Oil and gas geopolitics: no shelter from the storm There could be widespread ramifications from US energy independence and looming US sanctions on Iran and Russia; states in Central Asia could be hit hard, as well as serious possible impacts on global oil production...
  10. Supercoolmayo

    Article: We read every one of the 3,517 Facebook ads bought by Russians. Here what we found

  11. FAH1223

    China taking first steps to pay for oil in yuan

    HONG KONG/BEIJING (Reuters) - China is taking its first steps towards paying for imported crude oil in yuan instead of the U.S. dollar, three people with knowledge of the matter told Reuters, a key development in Beijing’s efforts to establish its currency internationally. Shifting just part of...
  12. FAH1223

    Germany grants permits for Russia-built Nord Stream 2 gas pipeline

  13. FAH1223

    USA, Canada, EU expel dozens of Russian Diplomats

  14. Rev Leon Lonnie Love

    just finished watching I 100% Believe there is no clean athlete in high level sport

    This documentary is so amazing brehs, 10/10 easy. The explanation of how russia was out there juicing their athletes up is just :wow: After watching this im sure USA athletes are the same way, Jamaicans too. Usain Bolt had to be on the juice when he set them records...surely Myaweather's...
  15. Luken

    Olga Katysheva...Russian Super Model Pawg.

    :noah: :wow:......shes just so HEALTHY
  16. Professor Emeritus

    Burma, Syria, Cambodia, China, Russia - human rights abusers around the globe are thanking Trump

    for popularizing the "fake news" meme so they can use it to discredit journalists who say anything they don't want people to hear. :snoop: Now, Trump didn't actually coin the term "fake news", but he has turned it from its original meaning of "made-up stories" to now mean "any reporting other...
  17. Vladimir Putin Troll Face

    Vladimir Putin Troll Face

  18. Robert Mueller

    Robert Mueller

  19. Professor Emeritus

    Washington Post write-up on Carter Page testimony regarding foreign contacts

    Carter Page’s testimony before the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence, the transcript of which was released Monday night, was like trying to read a magic eye painting. It is the sort of thing a lawyer — or, really, any person concerned with your welfare — would tell you not to say...
  20. Jared Kushner

    Jared Kushner
