
  1. Luken

    Some people out here living their worst lives

    Buddy was parked beside me, him and his wife (also fat) were GOING IN. i could never spend more than $5 at mcdonalds these days. :scust: Buddy took three trips from the car just to throw out all the garbage :scust: Not a bottle of water or vegatable in sight :scust:
  2. Oceanicpuppy

    Coli help me settle this: Lupita vs average faced sloppy bodied Rican ex girlfriend.

    I know this sounds silly. I got into a heated debate with a friend last night and claimed his ex is in the the same league looks wise as Lupita. I told him hell nah and you come off as colorstruck and racially biased. He claims he has no feelings for the ex so I'm expecting he can be objective...
  3. Renegade47

    93BpM - Uni:Stellar

    thanks to all who listens