thread may flop

  1. Homey the clown

    It sort of burns the soul when your thread flops

    You go in thinking your thread will go platinum and be over 10 pages of replies .But then your thread only gets maybe 10 replies if even that. But then a week or two later another poster posts the same exact thing you were talking about in your thread that flopped, but that user's thread goes...
  2. Guru

    Are women allergic to corniness?

    It's like you could be a stand up dude saying all the right things, dressing correct, mouth piece is good, good job etc... but the moment you display an ounce of corny or eccentricity in yourself whether it's verbally or physically a chick will switch up and look at you like a damn lame. It's...
  3. C

    Can a Coli poster do a better job than some NBA GMs.

    Hold up :whoa: before y'all 1star and neg me to death. Any halfway knowledgeable fan can spot a bad FA signing or bad trade a mile away. I think any one of us would have done a better job than Billy King on the nets. I know the Russian wanted him to win now but damn. Recent examples. Billy...