
  1. Ahadi

    People who say “UMMM” while they speak unappreciation

    Im sitting here in this meeting and all three of these cacettes keep saying “UMMM” mid sentence. This gotta be the most annoying shyt ever. Especially when they speak with their nasal / valley girl voices. :mindblown: Just SPEAK or take a slight pause
  2. Lord Scion

    #PuroGang... can one of yall answer a question for me real quick? (Highly NSFW)

    I know this is probably not thread worthy, but I do really need this answered. Umm.... just what is this? It's a NSFW link to a JBO post, click at your own risk.
  3. illadope

    Peace brehs

    yhis thread ain't really bout a specific topic, I just wanted to say what's good to all my folks I've met & yet to meet from here. Hope most yalls year is going well so far :dj2: